Suppose that I'm simulating SAR signal processing in matlab. You know a block diagram like this :
Here's what I have tried up to now.
t = 0:0.01:10;
f0 = 10^(-6);
t1 = 1;
f1 = 100;
y = chirp(t,f0,t1,f1,'linear');
%starting to generate I's
y1Modulated = y.*cos(2*pi*f0*t);
y1ModulatedFrequencyDomain = fft(y1Modulated);
As you see in the diagram the signal entering the low-pass filter is an analog one. So we should use filters in
matlab ---> signal processing toolbox ---> Analog and Digital filters ---> Analog filters
But I don't know which to use or how to obtain parameters of functions like: besselap
, cheblap
and so on?
There are many ways to implement what you are trying to do. Here is one way to write the code for your block diagram:
% define some simulation parameters
fs = 80e6; % sample rate of 80 MHz
f0 = 10e6; % frequency of your complex mixer
% generate the chirp with whatever parameters you need
t = 0:1/fs:1000*1/fs;
y = chirp(t,9e6,6.25e-6,11e6);
% add a bit of noise to make the simulation more realistic
% here we make the signal-to-noise ratio approximately 40 dB
y = awgn(y,40,'measured');
% apply the complex mixing
y2 = y.*exp(j.*2.*pi.*f0.*t);
% create an example lowpass filter and filter the signal to remove images
[b,a] = butter(8,0.1);
y3 = filter(b,a,y2);
% plot the signals to see what they look like
grid on;
title('Received Chirp Signal (time domain)');
grid on;
title('Received Chirp Signal (frequency domain)');
xlabel('frequency (Hz)');
axis([-fs/2 fs/2 -30 40]);
figure(3); hold on;
grid on;
title('Baseband Chirp Signal (time domain)');
grid on;
title('Baseband Chirp Signal (frequency domain)');
xlabel('frequency (Hz)');
axis([-fs/2 fs/2 -30 40]);
Now, you also asked which low-pass filter design to use. This depends entirely on what you are trying to achieve, and you need to specify a filter to meet your requirements. In my example above I have used an 8th order Butterworth design. But often an FIR filter is used in order to achieve a linear phase response.