I am looking around redis to provide me an intermediate cache storage with a lot of computation around set operations like intersection and union.
I have looked at the redis website, and found that the redis is not designed for a multi-core CPU. My question is, Why is it so ?
Also, if yes, how can we make 100% utilization of CPU resources with redis on a multi core CPU's.
I have looked at the redis website, and found that the redis is not designed for a multi-core CPU. My question is, Why is it so?
It is a design decision.
Redis is single-threaded with epoll/kqueue and scales indefinitely in terms of I/O concurrency. --@antirez (creator of Redis)
A reason for choosing an event-driven approach is that synchronization between threads comes at a cost in both the software (code complexity) and the hardware level (context switching). Add to this that the bottleneck of Redis is usually the network or the *memory, not the CPU. On the other hand, a single-threaded architecture has its own benefits (for example the guarantee of atomicity).
Therefore event loops seem like a good design for an efficient & scalable system like Redis.
Also, if yes, how can we make 100% utilization of CPU resources with redis on a multi core CPU's.
The Redis approach to scale over multiple cores is sharding, mostly together with Twemproxy.
However if for some reason you still want to use a multi-threaded approach, take a look at Thredis but make sure you understand the implications of what its author did (you can not use it as a replication master, for instance).