I'm using ExtJS 4.1 MVC. In view I created checkboxGroup and in controller I add items (checkboxes) to id dynamically. But I need them to display in special way. I'm thinking about Templates (XTemplates).
Do I need to add tpl
to checkboxGroup or to every checkbox item? I have no idea how does it look like.
Please, help!
Please write an example template for checkbox
var checkboxes = Ext.getCmp("myCheckboxGroup");
var name = item.get("name");
boxLabel: name,
name: fieldName,
// tpl ???
I found a better approach - for CheckboxGroup make a Table Layout. It looks like this:
xtype: "checkboxgroup",
layout: {
type: "table",
columns: 3
defaults : {
padding : "0 10 0 0",
width : 233,
cellCls : 'verticalAlignTop', // <=====
border : false, // <=====
width: 700,
items: []
In controller I dynamically add items:
var checkboxes = Ext.getCmp("myCheckboxGroup");
var name = item.get("name");
xtype: "checkbox",
boxLabel: name,
name: fieldName,
And to make a vertical align I added cellCls : 'verticalAlignTop'
and in style.css
.verticalAlignTop { vertical-align:top; }
Works great for me: