I have a Controller and Factory to handle lists. The controller needs to get the lists loaded by the factory and display it in the view. I can't have a getLists() method in the factory because this needs to load asynchronously from FireBase. Here is my controller code-
angular.module('myApp.controllers', []).
controller('ListCtrl', ["$scope","listFactory", function($scope, ListFactory) {
$scope.lists = [];
$scope.$on("list_update", function(snapshot)
controller("EditListCtrl", ["$scope","listFactory", function($scope, ListFactory)
$scope.name = "";
$scope.items = [];
$scope.itemCount = 10;
$scope.save = function()
var List = {"items":[]};
for(var i = 0; i < $scope.itemCount; i++)
var item = $scope.items[i];
if(item != null)
alert("Please fill all items of the list.");
return false;
$scope.items = [];
$scope.name = "";
The listFactory looks like this-
angular.module("myApp.factories", [])
.factory("listFactory", [function()
var lists = [{"name":"test"}];
var ListRef = new Firebase("https://listapp.firebaseio.com/");
var factory = {};
factory.getLists = function()
// this won't work
factory.putList = function(List)
ListRef.on("child_added", function(snapshot)
// How do I get this back to the controller???
return factory;
The ListRef will dispatch a "child_added" event where the snapshot argument is has the list data. I need to get this back to the controller somehow. I'd like to do this with events but I'm not sure how to do that between the factory and the controller. I don't want to use the root scope because I think that's bad practice.
I'm new to this- any help would be appreciated!
Firstly update your list variable to have a container object:
var lists = { items: [{ name: 'test' }] };
Then expose access to the list through the factory, eg:
factory.getLists = function() {
return lists;
Then set a scope var in your controller:
$scope.lists = ListFactory.getLists();
Then whenever the child_added
event is triggered, update the lists.items, and the $scope
from the controller should reflect the changes.