Reading the documentation for Topshelf integrations here:
And it seems like it should be as simple as scheduling multiple quartz jobs within the HostFactory
but it looks like the second scheduled job is the only one that's running.
I'm not really sure how to proceed from here. But I need to schedule two jobs that run on different schedules. The first is supposed to be run daily while the second gets run hourly.
static void Main(string[] args)
HostFactory.Run(x =>
x.ScheduleQuartzJobAsService(q =>
q.WithJob(() => JobBuilder.Create<TmsIdImportTask>().Build())
.AddTrigger(() =>
.WithSimpleSchedule(builder => builder
x.ScheduleQuartzJobAsService(q =>
q.WithJob(() => JobBuilder.Create<ImportTmsXMLTask>().Build())
.AddTrigger(() => TriggerBuilder.Create().WithSimpleSchedule(builder =>
var description = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ServiceDescription"];
var displayName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ServiceDisplayName"];
var serviceName = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["ServiceName"];
Create a second service or punt on the Topshelf-Quartz integration and have a service that initializes both Quartz instances and will shut them down.
Topshelf will only host a single [service] process, by design. You can't manage or monitor stuff to any useful degree if Topshelf is hosting multiple processes. It just ends up being an unsustainable pattern.