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how to use templated struct within another templated struct (C++)

I am new to C/C++ and trying to template a struct of Point and RectBound to allow for both double and float types.

Here is the Point definition

// simple Point structure                                                           
template <typename T, typename U, typename V>                                       
struct Point{                                                                       
    T x;                                                                            
    U y;                                                                            
    V z; // optional                                                                

       x = T();                                                                     
       y = U();                                                                     
       z = V();                                                                     

    Point(T _x, U _y) {                                                             
        x = _x;                                                                     
        y = _y;                                                                     

    Point(T _x, U _y, V _z){                                                        
        x = _x;                                                                     
        y = _y;                                                                     
        z = _z;                                                                     

    inline bool equals(Point & p){                                                  
        return(p.x == x && p.y == y);                                               


and here is the RectBound structure

// Rectangular Bounds for tree
// T,U should hold double or float only
template <typename T, typename U, typename V>
struct RectBounds {
    // x, y center point   
    T x;
    U y;
    // dimension width w and height h
    T w, h;


    // (_x, _y): center of rectangle bound. (_w, _h): width and height 
    RectBounds(T _x, U _y, T _w, T _h){
        x = _x;
        y = _y;
        w = _w;
        h = _h;

    // returns true if point p is in Rect bounds, false otherwise
    inline bool contains(Point & p) {
        float _w = w/2.0f;
        float _h = h/2.0f;
        return p.x >= x - _w && p.x < x + _w && p.y >= y - _h && p.y < y + _h;

    // returns true if rectangle o intersects this, false otherwise
    inline bool intersects( RectBounds & o){
        float _w = w/2.0f;
        float _h = h/2.0f;
        return !(o.y + o.h/2.0f <= y - _h || o.y - o.h/2.0f >= y + _h || o.x + o.w/2.0f <= x - _w || o.x - o.w/2.0f >= x + _w);

I get the following errors which are expected : (those from the return lines in RectBounds incline function)

error: request for member ‘x’ in ‘p’, which is of non-class type ‘int’
error: request for member ‘x’ in ‘p’, which is of non-class type ‘int’
error: request for member ‘y’ in ‘p’, which is of non-class type ‘int’
error: request for member ‘y’ in ‘p’, which is of non-class type ‘int’

I tried to define a Point within RectBounds class as follows

Point<T,U,V> cp; but that didn't help.

Any suggestions?


  • First of all, it seems that you've overcomplicating your templates. In a Point, can x, y, and z be different types? I'm guessing not, so you only need one template parameter:

    template <typename T>                                       
    struct Point{                                                                       
        T x;                                                                            
        T y;                                                                            
        T z;
        // ...

    The same should be done for RectBounds.

    Now, the reason you're actually getting an error is due to the parameter types of your functions contains and intersects. You have used Point and RectBounds. However, these name templates, not types. Function parameters need to have types. Since we have given Point only one template parameter now, a type might be Point<float>. As you can see, we need to provide a template argument. So the following would work:

    inline bool contains(Point<float> & p) {

    However, it seems that you probably don't want to fix it to some specific type. You either want to accept only Points that have the same type as the template argument for RectBounds:

    inline bool contains(Point<T> & p) {

    Or you want to be able to accept Points with arbitrary type, in which case you can make contains a member function template:

    template <typename U>
    inline bool contains(Point<U> & p) {