I am using the Select and Right Join SQL functions to call all the data into one table. Data being called will only populate if ans_primary = '1' on the Assignment table. If asn_primary = '1' then it will join all the below columns on att_id = att_id for both tables.
The two tables and the columns used are below:
Assignment (att_id, itm_id, asn_primary)
Attachment (att_id, att_name, att_type, att_path, att_path2, att_path3)
select assignment.itm_id, attachment.att_name, attachment.att_type, attachment.att_path, attachment.att_path2, attachment.att_path3
from assignment
right join attachment
on assignment.att_id=attachment.att_id
where assignment.asn_primary = '1'
I need to be able to update all the fields in the att_name column after the call has been made. I am not sure how to update columns after a Join call is used.
The SQL I need to run after the info has been called/joined is:
Update attachment
set att_name = att_name + '.tif'
where att_path3 like '%.tif%'
The syntax for join
in an update
in SQL Server is:
Update att
set att_name = att_name + '.tif'
from assignment a join
attachment att
on a.att_id = att.att_id
where a.asn_primary = '1' and
att.att_path3 like '%.tif%';
The right outer join
doesn't seem appropriate, because you are filtering on a field from assignment