How can I set background image on button in WindowsFormsHost
<WindowsFormsHost Name="wfbutton1" Width="200" Height="100" Background="White" Visibility="Visible" >
<wf:Button Height="23" Left="145" Top="127" wf:Name="button1" Width="75"
Click="button1_Click" Visible="True" FlatStyle="Flat"
BackgroundImage="C:\\Users\\Kvint\\Desktop\\Background.bmp" />
</WindowsFormsHost >
Give your button a name like any other WPF element:
<WindowsFormsHost ... >
<wf:Button x:Name="button1" ... />
</WindowsFormsHost >
Then reference that in the code-behind:
= System.Drawing.Image.FromFile(@"C:\Users\Kvint\Desktop\Background.bmp");
If you're looking for a purely XAML approach, I'll leave that to someone else. I'm not sure it's even possible in this case.