Search code examples

How to interaction with a webpage in Java?

Now, I am a beginner in Java. I have somehow managed to understand the following code.


 public class URLConnectionReader {
    public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception {
        URL yahoo = new URL("");
        URLConnection yc = yahoo.openConnection();
        BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
                                new InputStreamReader(
        String inputLine;

        while ((inputLine = in.readLine()) != null) 

I actually got that with quite some effort so please do understand I am a beginner. I want to interact with the webpage. From the code, I understood whatever information of the webpage will be simply displayed. I just need your help to advice me wha should I study next.

I want my webpage to go to the webpage, login Then click on a button Do a comparision between two columns and report it to me if it isn't equal.

I did do reading on HTTP and I know webinteraction is possible. People have code out there that is above my understanding.

I don't know much about inheritence or encapsulation [still learning](incase it is required)

Using the code I provided, is it possible to add on my requirements? Cause people are giving one lined codes or 30 lined code...please realize I am not so good in it.

I did do research .I just want someone to give me direction. I am starting to get confused due to so many methods.

I think someone told me php is easier on this matter, but in php I don't even know anything. (I know it is OOPS language but still)

Any sort of guidance is truely appreciated.


  • If you actually need to interact with the website then selenium/webdriver is perfect for your needs:

    Sample Google search:

    package org.openqa.selenium.example;
    import org.openqa.selenium.By;
    import org.openqa.selenium.WebDriver;
    import org.openqa.selenium.WebElement;
    import org.openqa.selenium.htmlunit.HtmlUnitDriver;
    public class Example  {
        public static void main(String[] args) {
            // Create a new instance of the html unit driver
            // Notice that the remainder of the code relies on the interface, 
            // not the implementation.
            WebDriver driver = new HtmlUnitDriver();
            // And now use this to visit Google
            // Find the text input element by its name
            WebElement element = driver.findElement("q"));
            // Enter something to search for
            // Now submit the form. WebDriver will find the form for us from the element
            // Check the title of the page
            System.out.println("Page title is: " + driver.getTitle());