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Temporary CouchDB View using Node module Nano

Nano doesn't provide documentation for temporary views, is there any undocumented method? Failing that, how would you advise somebody execute a temporary view using a nano-like syntax. Currently I am attempting to create the view as _view/guid, query it, return the results, and then delete it from the collection:

function generateToken() {
    return Math.floor((1 + Math.random()) * 0x10000).toString(16).substring(1);
var db = nano.use('db'),
    fn = 'function(doc){ emit(doc); }',
    token = generateToken(),
    id = '_design/' + token;
db.insert({ views: { view: { map: fn } } }, id, function(){
    db.view(token, 'view', function (err, results) {
        db.get(id, function (err, view) {
            db.destroy(id, view._rev);

I assume this is inoptimal with the temporary view functionality built into couch core.

I'm aware of the temporary-view caveats, however I do believe I have a genuine usage case.


  • The temporary view API is described in the official CouchDB documentation: