I have a class called Content which contains some properties
One of the properties is the CultureCode.
List A contains all the "en" Content classes List B contains all the "en-GB" Content classes
I want to merge them so that: we get only the "en" Content in the final list but whenever there is a match in en-GB over a condition to include that item in the final list instead of en.
So if:
en - 1
en - 2
en - 3
en - 4
en - 5
en-GB - 2
en-GB - 4
en-GB - 6
en - 1
en-GB - 2
en - 3
en-GB - 4
en - 5
I have tried something like this:
IEnumerable<Content> mixed = from x in listA
join y in listB on new {x.Property1, x.Property2, x.Property3} equals
new {y.Property1, y.Property2, y.Property3} into g
from o in g.DefaultIfEmpty(new Content()
Id = x.Id,
CultureCode = x.CultureCode,
Property1 = x.Property1,...
select new Content()
Id = o.Id,
CultureCode = o.CultureCode,
Property1 = o.Property1,
Property2 = o.Property2,
Property3 = o.Property3,
And multiple variations of that but the result is never quite exactly right.
Any ideas?
Something along the lines of this would do it:
var result = (from a in listA
join b in listB on a.Property1 equals b.Property1 into g
from j in g.DefaultIfEmpty()
select new Content() {
// Favour listA's culture code
CultureCode = j == null ? a.CultureCode : j.CultureCode,
Property1 = a.Property1
And a live example to demonstrate: http://rextester.com/AAWQ92029