I have created a stored procedure to find name and designation by supplying income of an employee
Create PROCEDURE GetEmployeessalaryInOutputVariable
@Income INT, -- Input parameter, Income of the Employee
@FirstName VARCHAR (30) OUT, -- Output parameter to collect the Employee name
@Title VARCHAR (30)OUT -- Output Parameter to collect the Employee designation
SELECT FirstName=@FirstName, Title=@Title
FROM Salaries WHERE @Income=Income
After this I tried to execute the Sp as follows
Declare @FirstName as varchar(30) -- Declaring the variable to collect the Employeename
Declare @Title as varchar(30) -- Declaring the variable to collect the Designation
Execute GetEmployeessalaryInOutputVariable 500 , @FirstName output, @Title output
select @FirstName,@Title as Designation
As soon as I write the above statement, it displays an error displaying
Invalid object name GetEmployeessalaryInOutputVariable
Why is it behaving like that although the procedure has been created and exists?
Also, how can I run the query to get proper results ?
Create PROCEDURE GetEmployeessalaryInOutputVariable
@Income INT, -- Input parameter, Income of the Employee
@FirstName VARCHAR (30) OUT, -- Output parameter to collect the Employee name
@Title VARCHAR (30)OUT -- Output Parameter to collect the Employee designation
SELECT @FirstName = FirstName, @Title=Title
FROM Salaries WHERE @Income=Income
Your SP should be like this