I'm using magnific-popup and I am wondering if there is a way to disable the arrows on the first/last item in a gallery.
I have read through the documentation, but cannot find anything about this kind of functionality.
You don't need to modify any source files, you can just override prev/next functions:
callbacks: {
open: function() {
var mfp = $.magnificPopup.instance;
var proto = $.magnificPopup.proto;
// extend function that moves to next item
mfp.next = function() {
// if index is not last, call parent method
if(mfp.index < mfp.items.length - 1) {
} else {
// otherwise do whatever you want, e.g. hide "next" arrow
// same with prev method
mfp.prev = function() {
if(mfp.index > 0) {