Excuse the wordy title, I'm having trouble with a succinct description. If I could come up with one, I could probably Google the right answer!
I am binding my DataGrid to an ObservableCollection of properties that themselves have properties. My grid is populated just fine, but when I edit the grid the changes are not getting back to my model. I have an ObservableCollection
Normally, you'd just have some properties of MarriedCoupleRow, but I actually have something slightly more complicated. Each MarriedCoupleRow has some propties (Male, Female) which in turn expose properties (Height, Weight, Information). It's this Information that can be edited. Again, I can populate the grid just fine, but the setter property of Information is not hit when you edit the cell and tab off (or leave).
I'd appreciate any pointers or references, including how to better word my title!
Here's the simple code:
public class XMLDemoViewModel : ViewModelBase
public XMLDemoViewModel()
_rows = new ObservableCollection<MarriedCoupleRow>();
// create some data....
for (uint i = 0; i < 2;i++)
MarriedCoupleRow row = new MarriedCoupleRow();
row.Male = new HumanData();
row.Male.Height = (70 + i*5).ToString();
row.Male.Weight = 150+(i*30+1);
row.Male.Information = row.Male.Height + " " + row.Male.Weight;
row.Female = new HumanData();
row.Female.Height = (60 +i*3).ToString();
row.Female.Weight = 120+(i*10+5);
row.Female.Information = row.Female.Height + " " + row.Female.Weight;
#region Fields
private ObservableCollection<MarriedCoupleRow> _rows = null;
#endregion Fields
#region Properties
public ObservableCollection<MarriedCoupleRow> Rows
return _rows;
#endregion Properties
#region Commands
#endregion Commands
#region Private Methods
#endregion Private Methods
public class MarriedCoupleRow : ViewModelBase
private HumanData _Male = null;
public HumanData Male
get { return _Male; }
if (value != _Male)
_Male = value;
public HumanData Female { get; set; }
public class HumanData : INotifyPropertyChanged
public string Height { get; set; }
public uint Weight { get; set; }
private string _friendlyName;
public string Information
return _friendlyName;
if (_friendlyName != value)
_friendlyName = value;
And here's the XAML:
<Window x:Class="XMLDemo.Views.XMLDemoView"
Title="XMLDemoView" Height="600" Width="1152">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal" Height="120" DockPanel.Dock="Bottom">
<StackPanel Orientation="Horizontal">
<GroupBox Width="249" BorderThickness="2" Height="90">
<TextBlock FontSize="12" FontWeight="Bold">Control</TextBlock>
<Grid Height="64" Width="223">
<ColumnDefinition Width="0.5*" />
<ColumnDefinition Width="0.5*" />
<RowDefinition Height="0.5*"/>
<RowDefinition Height="0.5*"/>
<DataGrid ItemsSource="{Binding Path=Rows, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" AutoGenerateColumns="False">
<DataGridTemplateColumn.HeaderTemplate >
<Grid ShowGridLines="True">
<RowDefinition />
<TextBlock Text="Male" />
<TextBox Text="{Binding Male.Height}" IsEnabled="False" Grid.Row="0"></TextBox>
<TextBox Text="{Binding Male.Weight}" IsEnabled="False" Grid.Row="1"></TextBox>
<TextBox Text="{Binding Male.Information, Mode=TwoWay}" Grid.Row="2"></TextBox>
<DataGridTemplateColumn.HeaderTemplate >
<Grid ShowGridLines="True">
<RowDefinition />
<TextBlock Text="Female" />
<Grid >
<TextBox Text="{Binding Female.Height}" IsEnabled="False" Grid.Row="0"></TextBox>
<TextBox Text="{Binding Female.Weight}" IsEnabled="False" Grid.Row="1"></TextBox>
<TextBox Text="{Binding Female.Information}" Grid.Row="2"></TextBox>
Your TextBox.Text bindings need to be set to updatesource on propertychanged.
<TextBox Text="{Binding Male.Information, Mode=TwoWay, UpdateSourceTrigger=PropertyChanged}" Grid.Row="2"></TextBox>
There must be something goofy going on with LostFocus which is the default. I tested this using your code.