I have an text area that where I expect the user to enter the mathematical expression. I wan't to render any results immediately, just like it works here on SO.
Something like:
<div id="preview"></div>
function onkeyup(event) {
var prev = document.getElementById("preview");
Using just a HTML string:
prev.innerHTML = MathJax.renderString(this.value);
... or get DOM object tree instead:
//Remove previous children
prev.innerHTML = "";
//Append new DOM tree
var tree = MathJax.createDOM(this.value);
Is that possible? Or will I have to put this.value
in some div element and than have MathJax parse that element? (that would be stupid)
The task you are trying to perform is documented here, and there is a live example here.
Basically, the method is to use
<div id="preview">\(\)</div>
and then typeset the preview. Once that completes, use the getAllJax()
method to get the empty math element jax. Something like
var jax;
function () {jax = MathJax.Hub.getAllJax("preview")[0]}
Then use the element jax's Text()
method to change the math that it displays.
function onkeyup(event) {