I have a function that takes a buffer of size 2kB and loads certain content to it. I can assume the function works properly, but i can't test it.
The function prototype is
int loadContent(unsigned long, char* buffer);
Unsigned long is the number of a block i want to load (the size is fixed to 2kB for every block), and the buffer is where the content is loaded.
Now i have to iterate bit by bit through the buffer and find the first bit that equals 1.
To make sure buffer is sized 2kB i made a variable
char buffer[2048];
But how do i iterate bit-by-bit through array of chars?
Would something like this be okay?
unsigned long getFreeCluster(){
char helpbuffer[2048];
partition->readCluster(0, helpbuffer);
unsigned long comparator = 1;
unsigned long position = 0;
for(int i = 0; i<16384; i++){
if((cluster & comparator) == 1){ position = i; break; }
return position;
Basically, i'm just troubling if the if condition is valid? Can i do the op '&' like that?
You need to change your comparator for each bit
unsigned long getFreeCluster()
bool found = false;
for (int i = 0; !found && (i < 2048); ++i)
for (int b = 0; b < 8; ++b)
if (cluster[i] & (1 << b) != 0)
position = i * 8 + b;
found = true;
If you are only looking for the first bit = 1, this might be faster:
unsigned long getFreeCluster()
bool found = false;
for (int i = 0; !found && (i < 2048); ++i)
if (cluster[i] != 0)
for (int b = 0; b < 8; ++b)
if (cluster[i] & (1 << b) != 0)
position = i * 8 + b;