How to start Google Keep extension in Mac OS X from command line for a particular profile?
I did some research online but couldn't get any solution.
In Chrome version 32 (and 31) on Mac, Chrome will generate .app bundles for packaged apps. They are enabled when you install a new app from the "For Your Desktop" webstore collection (Keep is one of them), and get the App Launcher.
You can also get the launcher by visiting
Once you have a .app bundle for Google Keep, it should show up in Spotlight. If you drag the spotlight result directly into a terminal window you'll get its path, which includes the profile ID. Then you can use a trick like
open -a 'Default hmjkmjkepdijhoojdojkdfohbdgmmhki'
which (for me) opens Keep in my first Chrome profile. Replacing "Default" with "Profile 1", "Profile 2", etc. will open it for other profiles.