I want to include some native project in my rubymotion project. Anyone faces this problem before because the vendor do not provide cocoapod yet.
You'll just need to copy the required files in to the vendor folder and require them in your Rakefile.
For example. With these two libraries https://github.com/samvermette/SVPullToRefresh and https://github.com/rs/SDWebImage the following in your Rakefile will work.
app.vendor_project("vendor/SDWebImage.framework", :static, products: ["SDWebImage"], headers_dir: "Headers")
app.vendor_project("vendor/SVPullToRefresh", :static, cflags: "-fobjc-arc")
The first library was .framework bundle whereas the second was just .h and .m files in a folder.
You can find some more information on requiring 3rd party libraries here: