I'm frequently finding myself doing something like:
val json:Map[String,Any] = getJSON(...)
val v = json.get("username")
val uname = if ( v!=null ) v.asInstanceOf[toString] ) else null
whereas what I'd much prefer to write is:
val uname = json.get[String]("username")
but get doesn't take type parameters -- so my code is overly verbose as follows:
val uname = json.get("username").asInstanceOf[String]
How can I simplify access to containers in situations like this? (In the case of JSON-style objects I'm doing this a LOT)
It can be easily achieved using implicits
implicit class MapWGet(m: Map[String, Any]) {
// something like this
def gett[T](k: String): T = m(k).asInstanceOf[T]
But beware, asInstance
on null
for value types (Int
, Double
, etc) produces zero values (but you can easily modify the method to fit your requirements).
scala> val json: Map[String, Any] = Map("s" -> "String", "i" -> 1, "n" -> null, "d" -> 0.10D)
json: Map[String,Any] = Map(s -> String, i -> 1, n -> null, d -> 0.1)
scala> json.gett[String]("s")
res0: String = String
scala> json.gett[String]("n")
res1: String = null
scala> json.gett[Int]("n")
res2: Int = 0
scala> json.gett[Double]("d")
res3: Double = 0.1
scala> json.gett[Int]("i")
res4: Int = 1