I'm converting an application over from GameKit to Multipeer Connectivity and can't seem to find a method that would allow the browser device to disconnect another peer from the session . With GKSession, we could disconnect a single peer from the session using disconnectPeerFromAllPeers:, but I can't find anything like that in MPC. Of course, MPC does have the disconnect: method, but that takes the local peer out of the session..not what I want.
The closest I've found is:cancelConnectPeer: but that seems more focused on canceling a connecting attempt...not post connection.
Anyone know how to do this of if it is even possible with MPC?
A peer can leave a session by calling [MCSession disconnect]
If you want the browser to disconnect another peer, you could make the browser send a message to that peer, and make the peer disconnect from the session upon receiving that message.