I have implemented drag and drop functionality using ListBoxDragDropTarget control of SilverlightToolkit in Silverlight 5.
Drag and drop functionality is working fine but some time when I clicked any item from ListBox, the item is sticks with mouse and after selecting I moving mouse around it, Item is dragging around with mouse pointer though I have release MouseLeftButton.
Can anyone help me about this issue, this issue is generating randomly, So I am unable to take the issue.
This is a known issue with Silverlight, i have suffered with this for a while. I think it's to do with the mouse down / mouse up events firing out of sequence.
I did some research and located a work item which is supposed to fix this problem. (At least for some people)
I have not had time to implement it myself yet - so cannot say if it works or not.
But here it is, worth a try!