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Python: convert frequency response to impulse response

I'm using an acoustic simulator that gives me a (complex) frequency response for any (positive real) frequency I feed in.

I would like to generate a 1024 point impulse response.

I believe I have the basic technique here:

However, I would like to implement it from the command line.

The simulator generates A file that looks like this (note I have shortened the numbers to make it more readable):

# Run name  = pro-ch0-pc1-gmr
# Run owner = umby
# Cfg file  = sphere_source.cfg
# Frequency = 0.000000 + i*1077.566280 (171.5000 Hz)
# 1    2  3  4  5       6       7        8        9        10        11      12      13    
# imic xm ym zm re(inc) im(inc) abs(inc) re(scat) im(scat) abs(scat) re(tot) im(tot) abs(tot)
0 +1.4E+00 +0.0E+00 +9.4E-02 -9.8E-04 -5.2E-02 +5.2E-02 -5.4E-03 +1.2E-02 +1.3E-02 -6.4E-03 -4.0E-02 +4.0E-02
1 +1.4E+00 +0.0E+00 +1.8E-01 -3.8E-03 -5.2E-02 +5.2E-02 -5.1E-03 +1.3E-02 +1.3E-02 -9.0E-03 -3.9E-02 +4.0E-02
  • The Second column is the angular frequency in radians/sec

  • The third column is the frequency in Hz

  • Columns 11 and 12 are Re(z) and Im(z), i.e. Real and imaginary part of the frequency response for this frequency

  • Column 13 is the magnitude of the frequency response, I'm guessing this can be discarded along with one of the first two columns

So my question is: how can I process this file and get out an impulse response?


  • Here is the necessary code for transforming the frequency response to the impulse response (it contains a test signal; the signal is transformed to the frequency domain and then recovered, demonstrating that the algorithm does work):

    import numpy
    # test
    waveform = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
    print( waveform )
    fullSpectrum = list( numpy.fft.fft( foo ) )
    for w in fullSpectrum:
        print w
    # In my practical application, I would be receiving frequencies DC through Nyquist,
    #  i.e. the half of the spectrum containing the positive frequencies, and I would 
    #  need to reconstitute the negative frequencies using symmetry:
    DC_to_Nyquist = list( numpy.fft.fft( foo ) )[0:4]
    DC      = DC_to_Nyquist[0].real + 0j
    nyquist = DC_to_Nyquist[-1].real + 0j
    # discard DC and Nyquist from list
    Z = DC_to_Nyquist[1:-1]
    Z_reverse = Z[::-1]
    Z_conj_reverse = [ w.conjugate() for w in Z_reverse ]
    spectrum = [DC] + Z + [nyquist] + Z_conj_reverse
    print( "\nSpectrum" )
    for w in spectrum:
        print( w )
    timedomain = list( numpy.fft.ifft( spectrum ) )
    #ir = [s.real for s in timedomain]
    print( "\nTimedomain" )
    for w in timedomain:
        print w

    And here is the boilerplate code that extracts the complex numbers from the input file:

    import sys
    import csv
    infile = sys.argv[1]
    Z = [ ]
    with open( infile ) as f_in:
        lines = csv.reader( f_in, delimiter=' ', skipinitialspace=True )
        for n, line in enumerate( lines ):
            if n > 6:
                re = float( line[11] )
                im = float( line[12] )
                Z.append( complex( re, im ) )
    print( Z )

    EDIT: Better is:

    Z_conj_reverse = [ w.conjugate() for w in reversed( Z ) ]