I'm using an acoustic simulator that gives me a (complex) frequency response for any (positive real) frequency I feed in.
I would like to generate a 1024 point impulse response.
I believe I have the basic technique here: https://dsp.stackexchange.com/questions/13883/convert-frequency-response-to-impulse-response
However, I would like to implement it from the command line.
The simulator generates A file that looks like this (note I have shortened the numbers to make it more readable):
# Run name = pro-ch0-pc1-gmr
# Run owner = umby
# Cfg file = sphere_source.cfg
# Frequency = 0.000000 + i*1077.566280 (171.5000 Hz)
# 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
# imic xm ym zm re(inc) im(inc) abs(inc) re(scat) im(scat) abs(scat) re(tot) im(tot) abs(tot)
0 +1.4E+00 +0.0E+00 +9.4E-02 -9.8E-04 -5.2E-02 +5.2E-02 -5.4E-03 +1.2E-02 +1.3E-02 -6.4E-03 -4.0E-02 +4.0E-02
1 +1.4E+00 +0.0E+00 +1.8E-01 -3.8E-03 -5.2E-02 +5.2E-02 -5.1E-03 +1.3E-02 +1.3E-02 -9.0E-03 -3.9E-02 +4.0E-02
The Second column is the angular frequency in radians/sec
The third column is the frequency in Hz
Columns 11 and 12 are Re(z) and Im(z), i.e. Real and imaginary part of the frequency response for this frequency
Column 13 is the magnitude of the frequency response, I'm guessing this can be discarded along with one of the first two columns
So my question is: how can I process this file and get out an impulse response?
Here is the necessary code for transforming the frequency response to the impulse response (it contains a test signal; the signal is transformed to the frequency domain and then recovered, demonstrating that the algorithm does work):
import numpy
# test
waveform = [1,2,3,4,5,6]
print( waveform )
fullSpectrum = list( numpy.fft.fft( foo ) )
for w in fullSpectrum:
print w
# In my practical application, I would be receiving frequencies DC through Nyquist,
# i.e. the half of the spectrum containing the positive frequencies, and I would
# need to reconstitute the negative frequencies using symmetry:
DC_to_Nyquist = list( numpy.fft.fft( foo ) )[0:4]
DC = DC_to_Nyquist[0].real + 0j
nyquist = DC_to_Nyquist[-1].real + 0j
# discard DC and Nyquist from list
Z = DC_to_Nyquist[1:-1]
Z_reverse = Z[::-1]
Z_conj_reverse = [ w.conjugate() for w in Z_reverse ]
spectrum = [DC] + Z + [nyquist] + Z_conj_reverse
print( "\nSpectrum" )
for w in spectrum:
print( w )
timedomain = list( numpy.fft.ifft( spectrum ) )
#ir = [s.real for s in timedomain]
print( "\nTimedomain" )
for w in timedomain:
print w
And here is the boilerplate code that extracts the complex numbers from the input file:
import sys
import csv
infile = sys.argv[1]
Z = [ ]
with open( infile ) as f_in:
lines = csv.reader( f_in, delimiter=' ', skipinitialspace=True )
for n, line in enumerate( lines ):
if n > 6:
re = float( line[11] )
im = float( line[12] )
Z.append( complex( re, im ) )
print( Z )
EDIT: Better is:
Z_conj_reverse = [ w.conjugate() for w in reversed( Z ) ]