how can i create a popup which isn't blocked when a user clicks on a specific text? So if someone want more to know about something the person can just click the text an get a pop up like on following website.
Is there a simple way? Does anyone has an idea?
Do not use the JavaScript alert function as this can be blocked by browsers. Instead use a hidden div that you can show when a button is clicked.
First you will have to include the JQuery library in your HTML File by including a link to it in the head. A library is basically a lot of code written for you so that you can invoke complicated functions with less code.
<script type="text/javascript">
document.write([ "\<script src='", ("https:" == document.location.protocol) ? "https://" : "http://", "' type='text/javascript'>\<\/script>" ].join(''));
</script> <!-- This script tag includes JQuery's functions in you page. -->
<div style='display:none;'><!--This is the popup box!--></div>
$('button').on('click', function(){ //When the button is clicked...
$('div').css('display', 'block'); //Show the previously hidden div
... as far as I know, there is no way to do it without JavaScript.