I try include ActionBarSherlock
in my Project and see red cross opposite the name lib
In project.properties i have next text:
In actionbarsherlock
properties CheckBox Is Library
is a library project.
The red x indicates a broken link
I believe you have already downloaded the library project.
In eclipse click file, import , import existing code into workspace. There is a option to copy the same to workspace. click it. Click Finis and import into eclipse.
Now in your android project
Right click on your project goto properties choose android. Click browse and add and reference the library project.
Browse to the location where the library pproject is and import the same. Make sure you check copy into work space.
After importing into eclipse you can verify if its a library project. Right click goto properties android. You can see is library checked indicating its a library project
Then you reference the library project and you can see the green tick as below