I have a simple "Get" method. Ex:
public class Foo : IFoo
public Dictionary<string,string> GetSomething(string xyz)
var result = new Dictionary<string,string>
... Go to DB and return some key value pairs
return result;
I wrote a simple test that execute and passes successfully but I'm not getting code coverage on the method.
public void GetSomething()
var target = new StubIFoo();
var expected = new Dictionary<string, string>
var results = target.GetSomethingString = s =>
var result = new Dictionary<string, string> {{"a", "b"}};
return result;
var actual = results("a");
I also tried to target the class itself, which provides the coverage but doesn't return any results (ex: "var target = new StubFoo();")
Again, it successfully executes and passes but I'm not getting any coverage. Any pointers would be appreciated. Thanks.
In your test you are not calling the method GetSomething
, but instead are setting a value to the property GetSomethingString
// Here is the problem. This:
var results = target.GetSomethingString = s =>
var result = new Dictionary<string, string> {{"a", "b"}};
return result;
// Is equal to this:
var lambda = s =>
var result = new Dictionary<string, string> {{"a", "b"}};
return result;
var results2 = target.GetSomethingString = lambda;