I am having Git merge troubles.
Rather than ask a question regarding the problems I'm running into, I would like to ask a question regarding how to interpret the arrows / branch histories when viewing the Git log using the "log" command in SmartGit.
Here are two screenshots of the SmartGit log.
The first is understandable to me, but I include it so that people reading this question see the context of the branches. This shows the current tip of the branches:
Here is a screenshot of the Git log, some time previous in the history:
I do not understand what is meant by the complex arrows in the above screenshot.
Here is what I do understand:
Here is what I do not understand:
I may have other questions, depending on the answer to this first question. However, this is a sufficient question for me now.
The lines are there for when the commits are far apart.. (I do not know what the magic number is on the arrow creation).
If it did not have the arrows there would be a very big bar that goes all the way down to the upwards arrow.
For performance reasons, rather than trying to generate this line it simply makes an arrow you can click on that will scroll you to the correct commit. This may not make a lot of sense to you right now, but if you have ever seen the Log for Linux or Git on Github, you will see alot of these. Some of them I have seen with 30 arrows from the same commit.