I am about to start a new project which will be used about 80% through non-mobile devices like desktops and laptops and 20% through mobile devices. And yes, I want to use KML capabilities too, use JQuery for all my JS work and do not want users to download any plugin separately.
I have implemented two projects already using Google Maps API blissfully unaware of Google Earth API. Now I started reading about the two and nothing is clear about what is the right choice. I even referred to posts on this site so please do not mark this as a duplicate.
Google's documentation on Google Earth API states:
Welcome to the developer documentation for the Google Earth API. The Google Earth Plugin and its JavaScript API let you embed the full power of Google Earth and its 3D rendering capabilities into your web pages. Just like in the Google Maps API, you can draw markers and lines—but in 3D!
Well, with that statement from the horse's mouth, it confused me even more. Why would anyone use Maps API then. Can someone with experience in both these tools, give some definite statements for the specific environment I have described? The earlier posts do not give convincing answers.
I believe when I last looked Google Earth support in the browser is implemented through the use of Web GL which will severely limit your browser support and I think eliminate mobile devices.
While Earth may be prettier Maps is more performant and arguably stable and I would think it would be the logical choice for you in this case.
For information on using KML layers with the Maps API see here.