Below is the format of my XML. It contains data for my IconSheet. I just put only one icon Hex Value for sample.
Here is a snippet from my Code
private void OnLoaded(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
data = (from query in XElement.Load("Data.xml").Descendants("ItemInfo")
select new ItemInfo
value = (int)(query.Element("Value").Value),
name = (string)query.Element("Name")
int itemcount = data.length;
while (itemcount-- > 0)
TextBlock t = new TextBlock()
Width = 75,
Height = 75,
Text = @"\" + data[itemcount].value,
FontFamily = new FontFamily("Segoe UI Symbol")
in the Snippet Above data[itemcount].value contains data as "uE101". This does not work.
Below code works.
Text = "\uE101"
Any Help would be greatly appreciated.
With Help from har07 and mishan comments i now have a clear cut idea as to how to handle HEX codes in C#. Thanks for the help. But i Updated the Question what I am trying with and this is what is causing the problem for me.
You can't separate backslash from next characters in this case. This code :
@"\" + "uE101"
is equal to this :
which will output this string instead of special character :
They need to be written as single string expression :
You can either go with @mishan's second solution by storing only hexadecimal part of the character in xml (<Value>E101</Value>
), then parse it to int -> convert int to char -> convert char back to string (following is the example to clarify what I mean) :
TextBlock t = new TextBlock()
Width = 75,
Height = 75,
Text = ((char)int.Parse(data[itemcount].value, NumberStyles.HexNumber)).ToString(),
FontFamily = new FontFamily("Segoe UI Symbol")
Or to write the exact character to xml and specify xml encoding to a format that support your special characters. You didn't show the codes to create that xml, so I can't help with exact sample that close to yours. But you can search for this topic by keyword "c# write xml document with specific encoding" and will find many examples.