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Print binary then negate without ones complement in python

i'm new to python and tried to do something like that:


---> '10111'

then i want to negate it WITHOUT ones complement, the result should be '01000' but nothing seems to work

secondly i would have to fill up the left side with 0's, i found something like

'       10111'

but it just makes the string longer filling it up with blanks

EDIT: the perfect solution for me would be


(which of course doesnt work this way)


  • Put a 0 in front of the 12 to left-pad the output with zeroes.

    In [1]: "{0:012b}".format(a)
    Out[1]: '000000010111'

    For the ones comp, the you could do string manipulation, or the math way:

     In [2]: "{0:012b}".format(2**12-1-a)
     Out[2]: '111111101000'

    Just change the 2**12 to the number of digits you want to display