i have index page with redirect link to main page
<logic:redirect forward="welcome"/>
now my url looks like http://localhost:8081/task5/ProductsAction.do?method=categories
on main page i have form
<form action="/ProductsAction.do">
<button name="method" value="subCategories"></button>
but url changes to http://localhost:8081/ProductsAction.do?method=subCategories
here is my action mapping in struts config
<forward name="welcome" path="/ProductsAction.do?method=categories" />
<action parameter="method" path="/ProductsAction" name="ProductsForm"
scope="request" validate="true"
<forward name="categories" path="/pages/categories.jsp" />
<forward name="subCategories" path="/pages/subCategories.jsp" />
<forward name="products" path="/pages/products.jsp" />
why does '/task5/' disappear from url?
Because you're using an absolute URL in a <form>