I am trying to connect with an external database (which is located on the same network of mine) via PHP and Firebird, so I used ibase_connect()
, but I'm not able to connect to the external database.
Below there is my PHP connection :
$con = ibase_connect($db , $user , $password) or die(ibase_errmsg());
Error message :
Warning: ibase_connect(): in C:\path\connection.php on line 16
I/O error during "CreateFile (open)" operation for file "C:\SHARE-NAME\PATH\DATABASE.GDB" Error while trying to open file Le chemin d'accès spécifié est introuvable.
Does ibase_connect
allow external connection ?
You need a Firebird server installed on that remote external database and then you can connect with
Firebird can't access databases on remote windows shares