I have some JSON code in the following format:
{ "abc ": "d ef", "g": "h i", "jk lm no": "pq", "r st": "uvw xyz" },
{ "!1 2": " 3", "4 ": "5 6 7", " 8 ": "9 abc", "def": "hi "NAME" jk" },
I need to add backslashes in front of quotes in "NAME" to be able to parse this JSON correctly. So I need the above string to look like this:
{ "abc ": "d ef", "g": "h i", "jk lm no": "pq", "r st": "uvw xyz" },
{ "!1 2": " 3", "4 ": "5 6 7", " 8 ": "9 abc", "def": "hi \"NAME\" jk" },
I tried using regex to replace (?!({ |": |", ))"(?!( }|: "|, "))
with '\\\\"'
, but I get:
{ \"abc ": \"d ef", \"g": \"h i", \"jk lm no": \"pq", \"r st": \"uvw xyz" },
{ \"!1 2": \" 3", \"4 ": \"5 6 7", \" 8 ": \"9 abc", \"def": \"hi \"NAME\" jk" },
Please help to write a correct regular expression.
Try this regex:
(?<![{,:] )"(?![:,]| })
Firstly, I assume that your regex flavor supports lookbehind.
Secondly, how did I find this regex you'd say ? Often, when you build a regular expression, you either build it for matching what you want or you build it for matching what you don't want. I use the latter here.
This is the regex for matching valid double quotes:
(?<=[{,:] )"|"(?=[:,]| })
Demo: http://regex101.com/r/oX4uM5
As you can see in the demo, the regex (let's call it R
) doesn't capture invalid quotes. So the regex we are looking for is its (particular) opposite (ie !R
). particular because we'll take the opposite of the look(behind|ahead) but not the quote inside R
becomes (?<!...)
becomes (?!...)
(read it " OR "
) becomes (" AND "
) simply "
hence the final regex at the top of this answer.