When the user goes to background, I log out the user from chat. When the user comes back from background, I log the use again in chat.
This works well but not every time. Sometimes when the user keeps the app more then 2 hours in background, the session expires and it doesn't seem to revalidate automatically when the user comes back from background, even with this piece of code:
[QBSettings enableSessionExpirationAutoHandler:YES];
Should the app revalidate the session/QB login automatically with enableSessionExpirationAutoHandler on even when coming from background?
Is there another way to handle session expiration while in background? Can anyone please suggest me some ideas?
Any session will remain valid for 2 hours after the last request to QuickBlox. To check a session's expiration date use this next snippet of code:
NSDate *sessionExpiratioDate = [QBBaseModule sharedModule].tokenExpirationDate;
Check this guide http://quickblox.com/developers/IOS#A_couple_of_words_about_Authentication_and_Authorization
This feature is available since 1.8 iOS SDK