Hey In 43'th field
of ISO-8583 package which is Card acceptor name/location (1-23 address 24-36 city 37-38 state 39-40 country), should I assign value ? and what is the proper value?
Field 43 is card acceptor name and location, it's in the form of
Merchant name & location US
where merchant name & loc is fixed length of 38 and iso 2-letter country code is last two chars, and it's not a TLV
TLV tags are in the form of and tag id and tag value length and are typically of fixed size between 1 to 4 as defined by the implementation spec (but not necessarily, it may get complicated depending on the exact implementation spec, for example "if tag ID starts with F
then it's of length 4 else its of length 2")
[tag id][tag value length][tag value]
for example tag 82FE containing "foo" in a tag id length of 4 and tag value length of 4 implementation would be written as
but the exact look will depend on your spec