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Salesforce Apex Create Opportunity after Custom Object field change

I have a simple trigger that is supposed to create a new opportunity when the SD_Action__c field on my custom object is a certain value. The code has no errors, but nothing happens when I try update the field in sandbox or production. What am I missing to make this great an opportunity when m.SD_Action__c=='Generate Opportunity' ?

trigger MDwinning on MD_Meeting__c (after update) {
    List <Opportunity> oppToInsert = new List <Opportunity> ();
    for (MD_Meeting__c m : {
        if (m.SD_Action__c == 'Generate Opportunity') {
            Opportunity o = new Opportunity ();
            // o.Owner = m.Sales_Director__c,
            o.Market_Developer__c = m.Market_Developer__c;
            //o.Account = m.Account__c;
        }//end if
    }//end for o
    try {
        insert oppToInsert;
    } catch (system.Dmlexception e) {
        system.debug (e);

Here is my test class:

@isTest (SeeAllData = true)
public with sharing class MDwinningTest {
    static testMethod void MDwinningTest() {
        MD_Meeting__c m = new MD_Meeting__c(
            Account__c = 'test Account',
            Desired_Meeting__c = 'Call',
            Name = 'Meeting name',
            Sales_Director__c = 'SD Name',
            Market_Developer__c = 'MD Name',
            Meeting_Date__c =,
            Contact__c = 'Test Contact',
            Title__c = 'Boss',
            Functional_Role__c = 'eCommerce - VP',
            Contact_Email__c = '',
            SD_Action__c = 'Generate Opportunity',
            Primary_URL__c = ''
        insert m;


  • Your test didn't work properly because of you use only insert operation, but your trigger works on update mode. So, you have to change test or trigger or both

    private class MDwinningTest {
        static void MDwinningTest() {
            // prepare test data
            MD_Meeting__c m = new MD_Meeting__c(
                Account__c = 'test Account',
                Desired_Meeting__c = 'Call',
                Name = 'Meeting name',
                Sales_Director__c = 'SD Name',
                Market_Developer__c = 'MD Name',
                Meeting_Date__c =,
                Contact__c = 'Test Contact',
                Title__c = 'Boss',
                Functional_Role__c = 'eCommerce - VP',
                Contact_Email__c = '',
                Primary_URL__c = ''
            insert m;
            m.SD_Action__c = 'Generate Opportunity';
            update m;
            System.assertEquals(1, (Integer)[SELECT Count(Id) FROM Opportunity][0].get('Expr0'));

    I suggest to disable SeeAllData = true because it risky because some of org where your code might be deployed might have no needed data and as a result your tests will be broken

    Also you can change the current trigger for working on insert and update

    trigger MDwinning on MD_Meeting__c (after insert, after update) {