I have the following section of code, which is part of an automatic reply system im developing. As i understand it, it should format the body of the email with line breaks, but, as the attached screenshot shows, it doesnt. Can somebody point oput where im going wrong?
With NewForward
.Subject = "'TEST' Hazard report reciept number: HAZ" & IDnumber
.To = strSender
.BCC = "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
.HTMLBody = "Please accept this email as confirmation that xxxx has received your road defect notification. xxxxx will investigate and action your notification according to priority and to ensure public safety. For further information, please phone xxxxx on 4221 6111 and quote reference number " & vbCrLf & IDnumber & vbCrLf & "Your original report can be seen below:" & vbCrLf & report_body
End With
If you use .HTMLBody
then you should write it using HTML Tags
Try this:
Dim EBody as String
EBody = "Please accept this email as confirmation that xxxx has received your road defect notification." & "<br>" _
& "xxxxx will investigate and action your notification according to priority and to ensure public safety." & "<br>" _
& "For further information, please phone xxxxx on 4221 6111 and quote reference number:" & "<br>" _
& IDnumber & "Your original report can be seen below:" & "<br>" _
& reportbody
With NewForward
.Subject = "'TEST' Hazard report reciept number: HAZ" & IDnumber
.To = strSender
.BCC = "xxxxxxxxxxxx"
.HTMLBody = Ebody
End With
Hope this works for you.
Also your reportbody
should be in the same format using HTML Tags