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PHP Xpath following-siblings

I'm trying to use xpath to get the contents of a table.

The table looks like this

<tr class="tableheader">
    <td> Stuff </td>
<tr class="indent1">
     <td> Contents </td>
<tr class="indent1">
     <td> Contents </td>
<tr class="tableheader">
    <td> Stuff </td>
<tr class="indent1">
     <td> Contents </td>
<tr class="indent1">
     <td> Contents </td>

I'm trying to pull the value of all tr[@class='indent1'] between table headers

this is what I have so far :

$elements = $xPath->query("div/table/tbody/tr[@class='tableheader']");

for ($i = 0; $i < $elements->length; $i++){
    print "Node: ".$elements->item($i)->nodeValue."\n";
    $siblings = $xPath->query("following-sibling::tr[@class='indent1']", $elements->item($i));
    foreach ($siblings as $sibling) {
        print "\tSibling: ".$sibling->nodeValue."\n";   


The expected output is

Node: Stuff
   Sibling:  Contents
   Sibling:  Contents
Node: Stuff
   Sibling:  Contents
   Sibling:  Content


Instead it is printing ALL tr class="indent1s" for each one.



  • EDIT:

    OK maybe this helps you. Just get every sibling and check the attributes with PHP:

    foreach ($siblings as $sibling) {
        if (!is_null($sibling->attributes) 
            && $sibling->attributes->getNamedItem('class')->nodeValue == 'indent1') {
        print "\tSibling: ".$sibling->nodeValue."\n";  

    What is your goal in general? If you just want to print out the nodes, processing the structure with SAX would be more appropriate and easier (SAX with PHP).

    Or maybe XSLT but I cannot help you with that.