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How to run concordion tests in Play?

I'm trying to run concordion test in my Play application 2.2.1 in Java.

It works when I run the test from my IDE but not from the play or sbt console: the html file is not moved to target folder.

In {project_dir}\target\scala-2.10\test-classes\specs\example, there is only HelloWorldFixture.class, and no HTML file, and thus the concordion test fails.


So far I have tried to follow the article How to integrate Concordion in Play Framework and write acceptance tests in natural language, but it is made for the 2.0 version not the 2.2.1 and the file has disappeared.

I've tried to put the line unmanagedClasspath in Test <+= (baseDirectory) map { bd => Attributed.blank(bd / "test") } in build.sbt and in project/plugins.sbt.

I've also tried to use several other versions of the line that I could find in Classpaths, sources, and resources. Nothing has worked.


  • To have the test resources (HTML files) moved to target directory follow the default project structure as described in Source code or Testing, i.e. src/test/resources that contains files to include in test jar here.