I have a function to compute the time spent in a block:
import collection.mutable.{Map => MMap}
var timeTotalMap = MMap[String, Long]()
var numMap = MMap[String, Float]()
var averageMsMap = MMap[String, Float]()
def time[T](key: String)(block: =>T): T = {
val start = System.nanoTime()
val res = block
val total = System.nanoTime - start
timeTotalMap(key) = timeTotalMap.getOrElse(key, 0L) + total
numMap(key) = numMap.getOrElse(key, 0f) + 1
averageMsMap(key) = timeTotalMap(key)/1000000000f/numMap(key)
I am timing a function and the place where it is called in one place.
time("outerpos") { intersectPos(a, b) }
and the function itself starts with:
def intersectPos(p1: SPosition, p2: SPosition)(implicit unify: Option[Identifier] =None): SPosition
= time("innerpos") {(p1, p2) match {
When I display the nano times for each key (timeTotalMap
), I get (added spaces for lisibility)
outerpos-> 37 870 034 714
innerpos-> 53 647 956
It means that the total execution time of innerpos is 1000 less than the one of outerpos.
What ! there is a factor 1000 between the two ? And its says that the outer call takes 1000x more time than all the inner functions? am I missing something or is there a memory leaking ghost somewhere ?
When I compare the number of execution for each block (numMap
), I find the following:
outerpos -> 362878
innerpos -> 21764
This is paradoxal. Even if intersectPos
is called somewhere else, shouldn't the number of times it is called be as great as the number of times outerpos is called?
If I move the line numMap(key) = numMap.getOrElse(key, 0f) + 1
to the top of the time functinon, then these numbers become approximately equal.
on JVM is considered safe but not very accurate. Here are some good reads:
Is System.nanoTime() completely useless?
System.currentTimeMillis vs System.nanoTime
Basically your test will suffer from timer inaccuracy. One way to work around that would be to call time("outerpos")
for a quite a long time (note JIT compiler optimization might kick in at some point) and measure start and end times only once. Take an average and repeat with time("innerpos")
. That's all I could think of. Still not the best test ever ;)