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Replacing classes/resources with an OSGi fragment - possible without including a jar in the fragment?

We want to replace certain resources in a host OSGi bundle by adding an OSGi fragment.

As I understand it, the resources included in an OSGi fragment are merely added to the classpath of the host bundle. There is no guarantee that if the fragment is adding a resource that already exists in the host bundle, the resource from the fragment will be loaded: it could also still be the host version.

In order to make sure the fragment version of the resource is loaded instead of the host version, mentions it is possible to use the Bundle-ClassPath header to specify resources as "first"(preferred).

It gives patch.jar as an example:

Bundle-ClassPath: patch.jar,.

As mentioned there: "Since patch.jar is ahead of '.' it will allow classes to be preferentially loaded from the fragment instead of the host."

I could use this technique, but this means I first have to bundle my fragment resources in a separate jar and then include this jar in the fragment bundle.

Is there a way to preferentially load classes/resources from the fragment instead of the host without having to include a jar in the fragment?


  • You don't have to include a jar. You can instead use a "patch" directory and then put your classes in a patch directory in the fragment.