Just wondering if anyone can help me. I'm currently building a pfsense firewall, which uses VPN connections to secure the traffic. The VPN provider does provide a port forwarding mechanism, but the incoming port number changes every hour. I have a script which allows me to discover the new port, but I need a scripted way to modify the port forward settings in the firewall to match.
A snippet of the firewall config file that controls this is as follows: input.xml
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<statetype>keep state</statetype>
<descr><![CDATA[NAT Torrent]]></descr>
<username>NAT Port Forward</username>
In the XML above, we have the two parts which comprise a port forward rule for pfsense. The part enclosed in the <nat>
section is the port forward. The section in the <rule>
is an interface specific incoming firewall rule. Both have to be modified for the new port forward setting to be effective.
I was thinking to use xmlstarlet to modify the config file, using the <descr>
as my key for identifying which sections to change.
I'm aware that you can have data like:
and modify it with:
xml ed -P -O -L \
-u '//username/text()' -v 'something' \
-u '//password/text()' -v 'somethingelse' \
-u '//dbname/text()' -v 'somethingdifferent' \
and also that you can have something like: sample.xml
and update attributes with:
xmlstarlet ed -u '//object[name="Foo"]/const1' -v 18 sample.xml
However, I'm struggling to merge the two, so that I have a single statement which matches <descr>="Torrent"
and then updates the relevant <port>
and <local-port>
Any help with a suitable xmlstarlet command would be much appreciated.
$ xmlstarlet ed \
-u '//rule[descr="Torrent"]/destination/port' -v 1111 \
-u '//rule[descr="Torrent"]/local-port' -v 2222 \
input.xml |
xmlstarlet format --indent-spaces 4 > output.xml
$ diff input.xml output.xml
< <port>53400</port>
> <port>1111</port>
< <local-port>53400</local-port>
> <local-port>2222</local-port>