I am developing an application with MFC. The UI thread launch a worker thread and stop it when the app is closing. The issue is that the app is crashing each time it tries to delete the thread.
here is the code :
First the thread class and its implementation :
class FileThread : public CWinThread
static FileThread* CreateWorkerThread(LPVOID params, UINT priority, UINT flags);
void InitThread();
void StopThread();
inline HANDLE GetStopHandle() const { return m_stopThread; }
inline HANDLE GetWaitHandle() const { return m_waitThread; }
HANDLE m_stopThread;
HANDLE m_waitThread;
FileThread(): m_stopThread(NULL), m_waitThread(NULL) { }
static UINT MyThreadProc(LPVOID pParam);
FileThread* FileThread::CreateWorkerThread(LPVOID params, UINT priority, UINT flags)
return (FileThread*) AfxBeginThread(FileThread::MyThreadProc, params, priority, 0, flags);
void FileThread::InitThread()
m_stopThread = CreateEvent(0, TRUE, FALSE, 0);
m_waitThread = CreateEvent(0, TRUE, FALSE, 0);
void FileThread::StopThread()
::WaitForSingleObject(m_waitThread, INFINITE);
UINT FileThread::MyThreadProc(LPVOID pParam)
ThreadData* pLink = (ThreadData*)pParam;
BOOL continueProcess = TRUE;
int returnCode = EXITCODE_SUCCESS;
while (continueProcess)
if(::WaitForSingleObject(pLink->pMe->GetStopHandle(), 0) == WAIT_OBJECT_0)
continueProcess = FALSE;
// the thread is looking for some files...
delete pLink; // it was allocated from the UI thread
return returnCode;
Then, where I start the thread:
ThreadData * td = new ThreadData();
m_myFileThread = FileThread::CreateWorkerThread((LPVOID)td, THREAD_PRIORITY_LOWEST, CREATE_SUSPENDED);
td->pMe = m_myFileThread;
m_myFileThread->m_bAutoDelete = FALSE;
Finally, the stop (and the crash):
DWORD exitCode;
if (m_myFileThread != NULL && GetExitCodeThread(m_myFileThread->m_hThread, &exitCode) && (exitCode == STILL_ACTIVE))
if(::WaitForSingleObject(m_myFileThread->m_hThread, 5000) == WAIT_TIMEOUT)
TerminateThread(m_myFileThread->m_hThread, EXITCODE_ABORT);
if (m_myFileThread != NULL)
delete m_myFileThread; // => CRASH
It seems I try to delete something already deleted and end up with a heap corruption. I have try to set the m_bAutoDelete to TRUE and not delete the thread myself by I got the same crash (while the program was trying to call AfxEndThread).
The thread terminate its thread proc and return the exit code.
It looks to me like there is a problem here:
FileThread* FileThread::CreateWorkerThread(LPVOID params, UINT priority,
UINT flags)
return (FileThread*) AfxBeginThread(FileThread::MyThreadProc, params,
priority, 0, flags);
returns a CWinthread*
, so just casting this to a derived class of your own does not make it an instance of that derived class. I'm surprised it works at all.
Rather than deriving FileThread
from CWinThread
, it might be better to hold a CWinthread*
member variable inside your wrapper class and expose the thread handle via an accessor if necessary.