I would like to execute the flow based on a contains match
<Flow name="do_something_flow">
<Condition>request.path MatchesPath "/**/india/blr/**"</Condition>
The flow should execute when ever the request path contains /india/blr for example
The above path expression does not work for the second and last path- where URL starts and ends with subpath. What i really needs is
request.path contains "/india/blr"
In the pre-flow you can have a custom javacallout policy to match the path with contains condition. Then populate a variable Use that variable in the condition of your flow.
It is a round about way - but works in absence of a "contains" operator in apigee path conditions.
Alternately, you can try JavaRegex which is supported by apigee in conditions. http://apigee.com/docs/api-services/api/conditions-reference
~~ ( JavaRegex operator ) Matches a javax.util.regex compliant regular expression