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Installing xmllint

I needed help installing xmllint from this website:

In particular, I am not sure which file I am supposed to download - when I click the link for precompiled Windows binaries I am brought to a list of several files and not sure how to proceed.


  • I had the same problem and it took me two hours to make it work.

    1. Download iconv, libxml2, libxmlsec, and zlib from [][1]
    2. Extract the zip file then copy all the files in the bin folder of each download.
    3. Paste the files in a folder (mine = XML)
    4. Add the C:\folderName (mine = C:\XML) in the path system variable. (I'm using Windows 8, for Windows 7 users here's a link):
      • Windows key + r (run window)
      • Type control panel then press Enter.
      • Type path in search box.
      • Under System, click "Edit the system environment variables".
      • Under the Advanced tab, click "Environment variables".
      • In the System variables look for Path → Edit → add ;C:\folderName,
      • or just type path in search box located in your Windows 8 charms.
    5. Make it work (I only type xmllint and I had no idea why I cant see the xmllint window. This is a note for beginners)
      • copy a xml file into the xmllint directory

      • type xmllint --valid --noout fileName.xml.

        If you get this message:

        warning : failed to load external entity "fileName.xml"

        then that's likely a bug so download an older version of libxml2 from or assign another folder to your XML files and run xmllint from there.

        In the command window :

        • cd C:\Users\user name\Documents\XML files.
        • Once you're inside it, type the xmllint commands e.g. xmllint --valid --noout fileName.xml).
