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Generate 7 level menu structure with jQuery

I have to dynamically create simple UL/LI menu structure with random number of items for all 7 levels. I need this for testing CSS styling.

Now, I wrote jQuery code for this purposes:

var menu = [];
var number = 5 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 5);
for (var i = 1; i <= number; i++) {
    if ( Math.round(Math.random()) == 1 ) {
        var submenu1 = [];
        for ( var a = 1; a <= (4 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 5)); a++ ) {
            if ( Math.round(Math.random()) == 1 ) {
                var submenu2 = [];
                for ( var b = 1; b <= (3 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 5)); b++ ) {
                    if ( Math.round(Math.random()) == 1 ) {
                        var submenu3 = [];
                        for ( var c = 1; c <= (3 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 4)); c++ ) {
                            if ( Math.round(Math.random()) == 1 ) {
                                var submenu4 = [];
                                for ( var d = 1; d <= (3 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 3)); d++ ) {
                                    if ( Math.round(Math.random()) == 1 ) {
                                        var submenu5 = [];
                                        for ( var e = 1; e <= (3 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 2)); e++ ) {
                                            if ( Math.round(Math.random()) == 1 ) {
                                                var submenu6 = [];
                                                for ( var f = 1; f <= (3 + Math.floor(Math.random() * 1)); f++ ) {
                                                    submenu6.push('<li class="item"><a href="#">Item '+f+'</a></li>');
                                                parent6 = "parent";
                                                subitems6 = '<ul class="submenu">'+submenu6.join('')+'</ul>';
                                            } else {
                                                parent6 = subitems6 = "";
                                            submenu5.push('<li class="item"><a href="#">Item '+e+'</a>'+subitems6+'</li>');
                                        parent5 = "parent";
                                        subitems5 = '<ul class="submenu">'+submenu5.join('')+'</ul>';
                                    } else {
                                        parent5 = subitems5 = "";
                                    submenu4.push('<li class="item '+parent5+'"><a href="#">Item '+d+'</a>'+subitems5+'</li>');
                                parent4 = "parent";
                                subitems4 = '<ul class="submenu">'+submenu4.join('')+'</ul>';
                            } else {
                                parent4 = subitems4 = "";
                            submenu3.push('<li class="item '+parent4+'"><a href="#">Item '+c+'</a>'+subitems4+'</li>');
                        parent3 = "parent";
                        subitems3 = '<ul class="submenu">'+submenu3.join('')+'</ul>';
                    } else {
                        parent3 = subitems3 = "";
                    submenu2.push('<li class="item '+parent3+'"><a href="#">Item '+b+'</a>'+subitems3+'</li>');
                parent2 = "parent";
                subitems2 = '<ul class="submenu">'+submenu2.join('')+'</ul>';
            } else {
                parent2 = subitems2 = "";
            submenu1.push('<li class="item '+parent2+'"><a href="#">Item '+a+'</a>'+subitems2+'</li>');
        parent1 = "parent";
        subitems1 = '<ul class="submenu">'+submenu1.join('')+'</ul>';
    } else {
        parent1 = subitems1 = "";
    menu.push('<li class="item '+parent1+'"><a href="#">Item '+i+'</a>'+subitems1+'</li>');
$("#topnav").html('<ul class="menu">'+menu.join('')+'</ul>');

My question is: is there some better (shorter) solution to achieve this goal?

btw, JSFiddle for this case is here where you can see how that code works. So, I'll love to learn how to optimize that JS code.

Thank you!


  • Here is the example with recursive creation of elements:

    function createBranch(currentNode) {
        var numberOfParents = currentNode.parents("li").length;
        //if we don't reach deepest level - we can add submenu
        if(numberOfParents < MAX_NESTING_LEVEL-1) {
            //decide, should we create submenu for current <li>
            if (Math.round(Math.random()) == 1) {
                //create <ul> submenu
                var ul = $("<ul />", {
                    class: "submenu"
                //adding children <li> to submenu
                var childNumber = getRandomInt(MIN_CHILD_NUMBER, MAX_CHILD_NUMBER);
                for(var i = 0; i < childNumber; i++) {
                    var li = createLeaf(i);
                    //using recursion: submenu creation for current <li>
        return currentNode;

    Here are two functions that could use recursion for different purposes:

    /**could generate empty (nothing will be added to "#topnav")*/
    function randomMenu() {
        var generated = createBranch($("#topnav"));


    function menuWithConstantNumberOfRootListItems(rootListItemsNumber){
        var root = $("<ul/>", {class:"menu"});
        //generate root <ul> with needed quantity of <li>
        for(var i = 0; i < rootListItemsNumber; i++) {
            var rootLeaf = createLeaf(i);

    There are additional functions (getRandomInt and createLeaf) and variables (MAX_NESTING_LEVEL, MIN_CHILD_NUMBER and MAX_CHILD_NUMBER), you can check their usage in the DEMO.