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How to deactivate WYMeditor in Django-CMS to use only plain HTML?

I would like to introduce plain html without the need of any Editor (wymeditor or tinymce). I know Django-CMS comes with Wymeditor but my problem is that copy & paste text is annoying. Even if there is no format, Wymeditor likes to add style to the paragraphs when I simply copy (without any format). Sometimes, I don't even need another paragraph inside my placeholders (and it messes with my style).

Is there a way to get rid-off the editor? Moreover, is there a way to get rid-off the editor for a particular placeholder? Sometimes I do need it.

NOTE: I know that I can create my own plugin with a field.textfield (and it doesn't use the editor), but I would like to use the same plugin because if I change the plugin I would have to move all the texts manually in the database (production and development).


  • I found my solution. Basically, I override the plugin for the TextPlugin. I added this to my

    from cms.plugin_base import CMSPluginBase
    from cms.plugin_pool import plugin_pool
    from cms.plugins.text.models import Text
    from cms.plugins.text.cms_plugins import TextPlugin as TextPluginCMS
    class TextPlugin(CMSPluginBase):
        model = Text
        name = _("Text Plugin")
        render_template = "text.html"
    class EditorTextPlugin(TextPluginCMS):
        name = _("Editor Text Plugin")


    1. I unregister the original TextPlugin (plugin_pool.unregister_plugin(TextPluginCMS)) and register a new TextPlugin that simply inherits from CMSPluginBase. That will get rid off the annoying Editor.

    2. I register another EditorTextPlugin that inherits from the original TextEditor (from cms.plugins.text.cms_plugins import TextPlugin as TextPluginCMS). I just rewrite the name of the plugin.

    With this, all the existent text plugins won't use any editor by default. Moreover, I am still able to use the Editor with the EditorTextPlugin.

    Finally, I can control which plugins use the editor with the CMS_PLACEHOLDER_CONF in the

        'my_placeholder': {
            'plugins': { 'TextPlugin', 'EditorTextPlugin'}

    No boring migrations needed. When I want to use the Editor, I just add a new EditorTextPlugin and copy and paste the content.


    As @Melissa pointed out in the comments. You do need to add the template text.html with {{instance.body|safe}} into the the templates directory.

    As of django-cms 3.x, the Text model is imported like: from djangocms_text_ckeditor.models import Text. Thanks @northben