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C# sqlite injection

If I change my select from

String insSQL2
    = "select * from Produtos where nome = '" + txtBuscaNome.Text + "'"


String insSQL2
    = "select * from Produtos where nome = ''" + txtBuscaNome.Text + "''"

Will it prevent sql injection?


  • No.

    SQL injection isn't about creatively using quote characters. It's about treating input as data instead of as code. Take a look at a classic SQL injection vulnerability:

    "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Id = " + someValue;

    It may intuitively look like you're using someValue as a data value, but you're actually using it as actual SQL code. The SQL engine doesn't see this as a value parameter, it sees it as part of the command being executed. That code should just be a value, but it can be anything. And you'd be executing whatever code is supplied.

    Thinking of it in this way, it becomes clear that you should never execute user-supplied code in your application.

    The alternative is to treat the user input as values in pre-defined code. That way you control the complete scope of the code and users are only supplying values. Which would look more like this:

    "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE Id = @id";

    Now the SQL engine sees that parameter (@id) and expects you to supply a value for that parameter. In ADO.NET it might look something like:

    someCommand.Parameters.AddWithValue("@id", someValue);

    Now the SQL engine knows that this is a data value and not code, so it treats it as data instead of executing it.