I am trying to translate the following into C# with Dot 42
@Override public boolean onOptionsItemSelected(MenuItem item)
switch (item.getItemId())
case android.R.id.home:
case R.id.about:
case R.id.help:
My main problem right now is the android.id.home The Intellisense does not show a Home member of Android.R.Id What am I missing here? BTW if you would like to translate the full block into C#, thanks, but I'm pretty sure the rest of it will not pose much a problem.
public override bool OnOptionsItemSelected(Android.View.IMenuItem item)
switch (item.GetItemId())
case Android.R.Id.Home: // API level 11 and higher (Android 3.0)
return (true);
case R.Id.About:
return (true);
case R.Id.Help:
return (true);
return (base.OnOptionsItemSelected(item));
Note that R.Id.Home
identifies a resource in the platform, hence the Android
Assumably, About
and Help
are application resource identifiers.