I am experimenting around with rundll32.exe and user32.dll. For example, to lock my workstation I type:
rundll32.exe user32.dll, LockWorkStation
I would like to try other commands (entry points) in user32.dll but I don't know what they are. Is there some way to determine all the entry points in user32.dll or more generally in any dll? And also what are valid arguments to the dll function call?
Note, what I am trying to do ultimately is to open the start menu using rundll32.exe. If anyone knows which dll/entry point will cause the start menu to popup please let me know.
See http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/31d242h4(v=vs.110).aspx where this question is gracefully answered, and its relevance acknowledged. Opening a Visual Studio command window will put dumpbin on the path, and user32.dll is in \Windows\system32. You could then look up args in msdn on the web.