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getJSON doesnt call webAPI method

Im new on mvc 4 and webAPI and Im developing my first application on it.It is single page application and using Knockoutjs.I use this walkthrough
every thing is fine with my webAPI method and it return correct value when I call method with Fiddler.But it never called when I use it from getJson() method.Here is my HTML:

    <table id="nqsales" class="table table-striped table-hover table-condensed">
    <tbody data-bind="foreach: viewModel.nqsales">
            <td data-bind="text: a"></td>
            <td data-bind="text: b"></td>
            <td data-bind="text: c"></td> 


$(function () {

var viewModel = {
    nqsales: ko.observableArray([]),

    loadNqsales: function () {
        var self = this;
            '@Url.RouteUrl("DefaultApi", new { httproute = "", controller = "NQSale" })',
    function (nqsales) {
        $.each(nqsales, function (index, item) {
            self.nqsales.push(new nqsale(item));

function nqsale(nqsale) {
    this.expenceFormNo = ko.observable(nqsale.a);
    this.orderNo = ko.observable(nqsale.b); = ko.observable(nqsale.c);


    // GET api/NQSale
    public IEnumerable<NQSaleDto> GetNQSales()
        //return db.NQSales.AsEnumerable();
        return db.NQSales
            .Select(nqlist => new NQSaleDto(nqlist));


  • Your Url construction of

    @Url.RouteUrl("DefaultApi", new { httproute = "", controller = "NQSale" })

    should generate a URL of '/api/NQSale' this means that your controller should be the following:

    //The controller name relates to the route
        public class NQSaleController : ApiController
    // The action name relates to the HttpVerb
        public IEnumerable<NQSaleDto> Get()
            //return db.NQSales.AsEnumerable();
            return db.NQSales
                .Select(nqlist => new NQSaleDto(nqlist));

    By default, the routing for API is that the name of the controller (NQSaleController) relates to the path and the name of the Action (Get) relates to the HttpVerb.